4 Steps to Gaining Your Accreditation

Show your commitment to protection,
collaboration and education with our 4-step
accreditation programme with access to all the
tools, resources and support you need.


Create Your Sun
Protection Policy

1 finger up

The task and evidence of completion:

Create your Sun Protection Policy using our easy, online policy maker which can be accessed via your login. Once completed you are prompted to provide feedback before moving on to step two.

Resources provided to assist you:

A comprehensive policy document for you to easily complete online and review annually via your accreditation login. The policy covers all government guidelines and recommendations to ensure you are creating a suitable policy to implement and present to parents.

with Parents

2 fingers up

The task and evidence of completion:

Provide all parents with: A copy of your Sun Protection Policy, a letter about the accreditation programme and Sun Safety information. Once completed, provide feedback before moving on to step three.

Resources provided to assist you:

A pre-written letter based on your policy to easily download and our ‘Sun Safety & Skin Cancer’ information booklet you can either download for free to email, or purchase copies to give to parents (all available via your resource tab).

Whole School

3 fingers up

The task and evidence of completion:

Conduct a whole school assembly to introduce / reinforce key messaging and your participation in the programme. Once complete provide feedback before moving on to the final step.

Resources provided to assist you:

We provide you with a whole school assembly plan, presentation slides, and the very popular ‘Slip, Slop, Slap Song’ recording, music and words. You can also utilise many of the other resources to tailor your own assembly if required.

Individual Class
Lessons & Activities

4 fingers up

The task and evidence of completion:

Each class should use the educational resources provided to teach pupils about safe and unsafe exposure to the sun and how to prevent skin cancer as part of the new PHSE curriculum.

Resources provided to assist you:

The programme provides you with a wide range of comprehensive, fun and engaging, curriculum linked class presentations, workbooks, lesson plans, activity sheets and work sheets for reception, key stage 1 and key stage 2.

Gain your


Accreditation logo

Your Accreditation Certificate

Once all four steps have been completed and the required feedback has been received, you will be awarded with your Sun Safe Schools Accreditation Certificate which is valid for one year.

Renewing your Accreditation:

The Sun Safe Schools intervention programme is an annual accreditation, you will therefore be notified when it is due to expire so you can review your Sun Protection Policy and repeat the four steps to renew your accreditation.

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Read our Fantastic
Feedback from
Accredited Settings

Read our Fantastic Feedback from Accredited Settings

Read our Fantastic Feedback from Accredited Settings